Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Answers to Rules Quiz

Here are the answers to the Rules Quiz that I posted on March 26:

1. b
There is no penalty in match play. In stroke play, there is a two-stroke penalty and you would play the ball as it lies [Rule 19-5a].

2. a
When taking relief from abnormal ground conditions, such as casual water, the player must drop his ball within one club-length of and not nearer the hole than the nearest point of relief. The rules make no distinction between rough and fairway. If the nearest point of relief for a ball in the rough is on the fairway, then that is where you must drop it [Rule 25-1b(i)].

3. c
Once you have addressed the ball (taken your stance and grounded your club), you are responsible if the ball moves. The penalty for moving your ball is one stroke and the ball must be replaced [Rule 18-2b]. If you hit the ball without replacing it, the penalty is two strokes.

4. b
The definition of “out of bounds” states that objects that define or identify out of bounds (walls, fences, stakes, railings, etc.) are fixed. You are not entitled to free relief from objects on the golf course that are “fixed.” If you cannot play your ball, you must proceed under one of the relief options for an unplayable ball [Rule 28] and add a one-stroke penalty to your score.

5. b
You may play a provisional ball for a ball that may be lost outside a water hazard or out of bounds. If you find your original ball, and it is neither lost nor out of bounds, you must abandon the provisional and proceed with the original [Rule 27-2c]. If you continue with the provisional after you have found the original, you are playing a wrong ball (loss of hole in match play; two-stroke penalty in stroke play and you must correct the mistake before teeing off on the next hole or you will be disqualified under Rule 15-3).

Monday, March 28, 2011

JustGolf Update

Hi golfers–

Don’t despair. I have it on good word that you’ll soon be able to store your corduroys in the attic and break out those boxes of shorts. (It can’t happen soon enough for me!)

The JustGolf tournaments are right around the corner. Registration for the June 6 Men’s Two-Man Stableford at Willow Brook Country Club will open on April 23 (Shakespeare’s birthday). I will post the applications on the website (justgolftournaments.blogspot.com) about one week before the 23rd.

If you subscribe to the JustGolf website, the applications will be sent directly to your e-mail. If not, please check it weekly for updates.

I plan to re-post the Tournament Schedule, Membership Criteria, Membership Application, Tournament Policies, and Local Rules in April, to make it easier to find what you’re looking for.

The Stableford will be a new format for many of you. There are different options on how to run a Stableford. Keep an eye out for our Stableford set-up and the reasoning behind it.

If you plan to compete in the tournaments and haven’t sent in your JustGolf membership application yet, please mail it soon. If you prefer to wait to mail your membership application until you mail your first tournament application, please write separate checks.

I am looking forward to seeing many old friends and making new ones at the JustGolf tournaments this summer. Don’t hesitate to e-mail or call if you have questions.

609-267-8630 (home)
609-784-2550 (cell–emergencies only, please, unless you are a Verizon subscriber)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Rules Quiz

While you are waiting for spring to arrive, try this short rules quiz. I will post the answers and a brief explanation in a few days.

1. In match play, if you putt a ball on the putting green and your ball hits another ball on the green, then:
            a. you incur a 2-stroke penalty, and play the ball as it lies
            b. no penalty, and play the ball as it lies
            c. cancel the stroke and replay the putt

2. Your ball is lying in casual water in the rough. The nearest point of relief no closer to the hole is on the fairway.
            a. You must drop your ball on the fairway.
            b. You must drop your ball in the rough.

3. Your ball has come to rest on a slope. You select your club, take your stance, and address the ball. Then you decide you want to change clubs. While you are returning to your bag to get the other club, your ball rolls down the hill.
            a. No penalty, and play the ball as it lies.
            b. No penalty, and you must replace the ball.
            c. One stroke penalty, and you must replace the ball.

4. Your ball is so close to an out-of-bounds fence that you are unable to swing.
            a. An out-of-bounds fence is an obstruction. You are entitled to free relief. Drop within one club-length of the nearest point of relief. No penalty.
            b. An out-of-bounds fence is not an obstruction. It is “fixed.” You may declare your ball unplayable, drop within two club-lengths, and add a one-stroke penalty to your score.

5. You suspect your tee shot may be out of bounds, so you hit a provisional from the tee. When you find your ball, it is not out of bounds, but it is wedged in the roots of a tree and is unplayable.
            a. You may pick up your original ball and continue with the provisional.
            b. You must pick up the provisional and continue with the original.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

JustGolf Tournament Schedule

Gentlemen, I have added tournaments at Willow Brook and Blue Heron. This is the official schedule for the 2011 season:

Willow Brook Country Club – Monday, June 6
Format: Men’s Team Stableford (2-man teams)
Cost: $45 (includes cart, green fee, and prizes)

Vineyard Golf at Renault – Tuesday, July 26
Format: Men’s Better Ball
Cost: $50 (includes cart, green fee, and prizes)

Rancocas Golf Club – Monday, August 8
Format: Men’s Modified Scramble
Cost: $40 (includes cart, green fee, and prizes)

Blue Heron Pines Golf Club – Thursday, September 1
Format: Men’s Better Ball
Cost: $55 (includes cart, green fee, range balls, and prizes)

Town & Country Golf Links – Monday, September 26
Format: Mixed Modified Scramble
Cost: $48 for seniors over 60
$46 with the Victory Golf Pass or Tee Time Golf Pass
$55 for all others (includes cart, green fee, and prizes)

RiverWinds Golf Club – Tuesday, October 4
Format: JustGolf Men’s Club Championship
Cost: $50 (includes cart, green fee, and prizes)