1. Registration: Each tournament will have an open registration
period. The full tournament fee must be included with the tournament application. Applications
must be postmarked no later than the final day of registration. If the deadline
for registration has passed, and you wish to play, please call to find out if
there are openings.
2. Volunteers: This is an all-volunteer organization.
Please make volunteers’ jobs easier by being on time with applications,
requests, questions, etc. Volunteers do not need to pay membership dues unless
they are competing in tournaments. Volunteers are needed and welcome to serve
as starters, registrars, spotters, rangers, etc. Expenses incurred by
volunteers will be reimbursed.
3. Communication:
a. All information will be posted on this
website: www.JustGolfTournaments.blogspot.com.
If you subscribe to the website (free subscription), all information will go
straight to your e-mail.
If you need to reach the tournament director, please contact Linda Miller:
Home: 609-267-8630
Cell: 609-784-2550
4. USGA Rules: All tournaments will be governed by USGA rules.
5. Local Rules: Local rules and course information for each
tournament will be posted on the website prior to each tournament. A number of
hard copies will be available at the registrar’s table, but it is hoped that
individuals with access to a printer will make their own copy of the rules to
help save printing costs for the organization.
6. Players Needing Partners: Players may submit single applications
for team events. The tournament director will pair singles together, and will
notify players as soon as a partner is found.
7. Withdrawal:
a. Notification: Players who must
withdraw from tournaments should notify the tournament director as soon as
possible. In a team competition, if a single player withdraws and his partner
finds or needs a substitute, that information needs to be communicated
immediately to the tournament director.
b. Refunds: The full tournament fee will be refunded until 10 days before a tournament (three days for medical or other unforeseen emergencies). Players who withdraw within 10 days (within three days for emergencies) will receive a refund of the tournament fee minus $10.
8. Tournament Cancellations: Call the golf course for possible
weather-related cancellations on the day of a tournament. Call Linda’s cell
phone if you withdraw or are running late on the day of a tournament:
9. Tournament Prizes:
a. $10 of the tournament fee per competitor will be used for prize money.
b. Prizes will be in the form of gift certificates to Dick’s Sporting Goods.
c. A minimum of 30% of the field will receive a prize.
d. Unless otherwise specified, all tournaments will award gross and net prizes.
e. Prize distribution will be approximately 30% gross and 70% net.
10. Tie-Breakers: The
recommended USGA tie-breaker will be used to break ties for first place
(compare back nine total; if still tied, then last 6 on back, last 3 on back,
front 9, last 6 on front, last 3 on front, and finally hole by hole beginning
with the #1 handicap hole). The same method will be used if more than two teams
are tied for the last prize. All other ties will remain as ties and receive
equal prize money.
11. Tee Policy for the Men
Men will have a choice of tees
(standard or senior) at all tournaments except the Championship. Yardage and
rating information will be provided prior to each tournament, and
recommendations will be offered regarding tee selection (based on the distance
a player customarily hits his drive). Players will be informed prior to each
tournament how many net strokes they will lose if they choose to play from the
shorter tees.
Eligibility for gross prizes will
be limited to those players who choose to play from the standard tees. All
players will compete for net prizes.
12. Handicap Reductions: Players or teams that place first overall
net will have their full Course Handicap reduced by two strokes in all
subsequent tournaments. Second and third place overall net finishers will have
a one-stroke reduction. Stroke adjustments are cumulative for two years on a
rolling basis. Players do not lose strokes if they have not won prize money. The
Handicap Adjustment Chart showing
handicap reductions is posted under JUSTGOLF
LINKS, and is updated after every tournament.
13. Maximum Course Handicap: 18 for men; 24 for women. This means
that no man will receive more than 18 strokes in a tournament, and no woman
will receive more than 24.
14. Eligibility for Club Championship: Players must compete in at
least one JustGolf tournament in 2015 to be eligible to compete for the
Club Championship.
15. Pairings: Individual players or teams will not be paired with
members of their same club or with JustGolf members whom they customarily
choose as partners. The reason for this policy is twofold:
to provide opportunities for players to meet new people; and
to provide for uniformly fair competition.
16. Tipping: $2 will be added to the cost of each tournament to cover tips. This will guarantee the bag boy $1 per bag at the start and finish of each tournament. If the money doesn’t get used for tips, the extra will be added to the prizes.
17. Distance-Measuring Devices: Players may use devices that
measure distance only. Use of devices designed to measure other conditions that
might affect play (e.g., gradient, wind speed, temperature, etc.) will result
in disqualification under Rule 14-3, regardless of whether those additional
functions are used.
18. Cell Phones: Cell phone usage is prohibited on the golf course, except for emergencies or rules questions. Please add Linda's cell phone to your contact list: 609-784-2550.
19. Caddies: Players are not permitted to use caddies.