Sunday, May 25, 2014

Shore Gate - Photos of Winners

Kevin Kaufman, Jr. and John Huda (Fountain Green) - 63
First Place Gross

George Barbin, Jr. (Scotland Run) and Mitch Kato (Centerton) - 67
Second Place Gross

Joy Seamon (RiverWinds) and Marilyn Ramos (Running Deer) - 76
First Place Gross (won match of cards)

Kathy Callender and Barb Petuskey (Vineyards) - 76
Second Place Gross

Gus Reinhold and Jim Baldwin (Atlantis) - 62
First Place Net (won match of cards)

Bruce Schaffer (Hickory Valley) and John Bada (Town & Country) - 62
Second Place Net

Kevin Convery and Jerry Convery (Running Deer) - 63
Third Place Net

Bill Casey and Hal Wilson (Springfield) - 64
Fourth Place Net

Georgianne Kloss (Indian Spring) and Carol Carey (Town & Country) - 67
First Place Net (won match of cards)

Marilyn Dunn and Bonnie Cappellutti (Vineyards) - 67
Second Place Net

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Two Lost Items

Two items were left behind at Shore Gate:

1. SunTek large silver umbrella.

2. Beige bucket hat with a logo from Sagamore or Sagemore (or something similar).

I have the umbrella. Let me know if it's yours.

The hat is at the golf course, since no one was certain whether it belonged to someone in our group.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Men’s Ryder Cup / Women’s Ryder Cup – Vineyard– Tuesday, June 17

New for 2014: The full tournament fee must accompany the application. Tipping is included.
(You may sign up without a partner, and I will keep you posted on my efforts to find one for you.)

Player: __________________________        Partner: __________________________
Home course: ____________________         Home course: _____________________
Current Handicap Index: ___ . __                   Current Handicap Index: ___ . __

Men’s tee times start at 10:30. Women will follow the men. Circle preferred time:

Men:               Early               Late                 

Women:         Early               Late

Choose the STANDARD tees (White: 68.9/120; 6077 yards) to compete for both gross and net prizes.
Choose the FORWARD tees (Green: 67.6/116; 5748 yards) to compete for net prizes ONLY. Handicap reduction approximately 2 strokes.
It is recommended that men who can hit a drive 200 yards choose the STANDARD tees. 

Name: _____________________       STANDARD              FORWARD    (circle choice)

Name: _____________________       STANDARD              FORWARD    (circle choice)

Total cost: $52 per player. Please mail one check for $104, together with this application, payable to:

     Linda Miller
     48 Cherry Street
     Mount Holly, NJ 08060

Direct any questions to Linda:
     Home phone: 609-267-8630
     Cell phone: 609-784-2550

Tournament opens May 20
Last date to mail application: June 3

Additional tournament information
• Team Course Handicap: Scramble 40/25; Alternate shot 60/40; Better Ball 90% each
• Practice putting green
• This is a predominantly net tournament. A gross prize will be awarded to the team that wins the gross competition if that team does not win a net prize.

Special considerations (traveling with someone, etc.)



Sunday, May 18, 2014

Shore Gate Rules, Local Rules, and Course Information

Please read and print for reference on the course.

1. You must use 7 tee shots from each player (par 3 holes included).
2. Each player tees off on each hole. Select one tee shot and both players play their second shots from that spot, and so on, until the ball is holed. Once the ball is holed, the score for that hole is final.
3. Once you select the shot to be used, place a marker on the ground. The next shot by both players must be hit from within 12 inches of that marker, no closer to the hole. You may not use the 12 inches to improve your condition. Once the ball is on the green, both players must putt from the exact same spot.
4. Record one score for each hole.
5. There are no “gimmies;” hole every ball.

Return completed scorecard in person to official scorer.
• Maintain a good pace of play. Keep up with the players in front of you.
• Tipping is optional. $2 of your tournament fee will be used to tip the bag handlers.

Local Rules
• Repair divots with divot mix stored on cart.
• Environmentally sensitive areas are marked by red posts with green tops. Do not enter. Play as lateral hazards.
• Natural sand areas (no rakes provided) are played as through the green. You may ground your club.
• Flags on greens for hole location: Red (front), White (middle), Blue (back).
• Yardage measured to center of green: sprinkler heads, cart path, disks (Red=100, White=150, Blue=200, Yellow=250).
• Cart rules: For those holes where carts are permitted on the fairway, cart must be driven only on the fairway. Do not drive or park in the rough. If you have a health issue, the course will provide a handicap flag.
• Barber poles are placed on several holes at the 150-yard marker to let you know where to aim your drive.

Men who chose the Standard tees will play from the Gold tees. Men who chose the Forward tees will play from the Gold tees except on the following holes, where they will play from the Red tees: 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 17, and 18. If you forget to move up to the Red tees, your ball is in play from the Gold – you may not move up and hit a second tee shot.
Women will compete from the Red tees.

Specific hole information 
#1: Dogleg left. 230 yards to bunker (193 from Red).
#4: 200 yards to twin bunkers on right (170 from Red). 234 yards to bunker on left (202 from Red). Environmental hazard on left–play as lateral hazard.
#5: Full-service bathroom to left of green.
#6: Series of bunkers on left, starting 100 yards from green. Near the green, a thin strip of fairway runs along the right side of the bunkers all the way to the green.
#9: 209 yards to lake on left (178 from Red). Plenty of fairway right of lake.
#10: 168 yards to left bunker, 182 to carry. (Red: 124 to bunker, 138 to carry.) 205 yards to right bunker (161 from Red).
#11: Dogleg left. Left side lined with bunkers, tee to 100-yard marker. Maximum distance for drive must be 90 yards short of green – any further and ball will be in troublesome grass bunker. Look to land your ball near the 100-yard marker. The grass bunker is 15 yards past the 100-yard marker. The entire left side is an environmental hazard that starts at the tree line – do not enter, drop a ball within two club-lengths or hit a ball from where you hit your previous shot, one-stroke penalty.
#12: 219 yards to lateral water hazard on right (208 from Red). The entire left side is an environmental hazard that starts at the tree line (see #11).
#13: 300 yards to bunker on right (250 from Red). Bunkers on left side, tee to green. A section of rough 32 yards wide crosses the fairway 250 yards from the green.
#14: Full-service bathroom to right of green.
#15: 185 yards to lake (160 from Red). If you want to hit a longer drive, aim drive over barber pole.
#18: 189 yards to carry bunker on right (158 from Red).

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Team Handicaps for Shore Gate

Scroll to bottom for key to chart.

Key to Chart 

Players highlighted in green are men who elected to play from the forward tees.                                                                  
Maximum Course Handicap is 18 for men and 24 for women.                                                                    
Shore Gate ratings:                                                                    
Red tees (women): 71.1/126; 5284 yards                               
Gold tees (men): 68.5/129; 5940 yards                                           
Mix of Gold and Red tees (men playing forward tees): 67.0/125; 5603 yards                                                                       
• Handicap Index is as of the May 15 revision.                               
• Course Handicap is based on the slope rating.                             
• CH Adjustment is based on points accumulated in tournaments during the past two years for first, second, or third place net finishes (see the Handicap Adjustment         Chart on the JustGolf website:
• Tournament CH is the player’s Course H’cap minus the CH Adjustment.
• 40% CH and 25% CH: In a scramble, the player with the lower CH receives 40% of CH, and the player with the higher CH receives 25% of CH.      
• Forward tee adjustment is the number of strokes subtracted for men       playing from the forward tees: 68.5–67=1.5/2=.75.                 

• Team Handicap is the number of strokes the team will receive in the tournament.                                                                      

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Looking for One More Team for Shore Gate

I have an odd number of ladies’ teams. If there is another pair of ladies out there that would like to sign up for the tournament (or even a pair of men), please e-mail or call me right away.

I will work on the pairings tomorrow; you should receive them no later than Sunday.



Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Local Rules

JustGolf Local Rules in Effect at all Tournaments

Please carry a copy with you to every tournament

1. Relief for Embedded Ball
Through the green, a ball that is embedded in its own pitch-mark in the ground, other than sand, may be lifted without penalty, cleaned and dropped as near as possible to where it lay but not nearer the hole. (“Through the green” is the whole area of the course except the teeing ground and putting green of the hole being played and all hazards on the course.)

2. Preferred Lies
When “preferred lies” are in effect (see the tournament rule sheet), if a player’s ball lies on a closely-mown area through the green the player may mark, lift and clean his ball without penalty. The player must then place the ball on a spot within one foot of and not nearer the hole than where it originally lay, that is not in a hazard or on a putting green. (Note: “Closely-mown areas” include fairways, aprons around the green, and dew paths. The “first cut” of rough is NOT a “closely-mown area.”)

3. Aeration Holes
When a course has been aerated, a ball that comes to rest in or on an aeration hole may be lifted without penalty, cleaned and dropped, as near as possible to the spot where it lay but not nearer the hole. On the putting green, a ball that comes to rest in or on an aeration hole may be placed at the nearest spot not nearer the hole that avoids the situation.

 4. Stones in Bunkers
Stones in bunkers are movable obstructions. As such (Rule 24–1) they may be removed. If the ball moves, it must be replaced, and there is no penalty provided that the movement of the ball is directly attributable to the removal of the stones.

5. Immovable Obstructions Close to Putting Green
If a ball lies off the putting green but not in a hazard and an immovable obstruction (such as a sprinkler head) within two club-lengths of the putting green and within two club-lengths of the ball intervenes on the line of play between the ball and the hole, the player may lift the ball and drop it at the nearest point to where the ball lay that (a) is not nearer the hole, (b) avoids intervention, and (c) is not in a hazard or on a putting green. The ball may be cleaned when lifted.

6. Cell Phones
Cell phone usage is prohibited on the golf course (except for Rules questions or emergencies). Please add my name and number to your list of contacts:
Linda Miller, 609-784-2550

7. Hazard Boundaries
If the margins of water hazards and lateral water hazards are not marked by lines or stakes, then if there is a question as to whether your ball lies in a hazard, or as to where to begin marking your two club-lengths relief from a lateral hazard, you will have to make this decision with the concurrence of your fellow competitors. To help guide you in establishing these margins, here are the USGA guidelines for where to place lines or stakes defining the margin of a water hazard:
“Lines and stakes defining the margins of a water hazard should be placed as nearly as possible along the natural limits of the hazard, i.e., where the ground breaks down to form the depression containing the water.”
You may consider the cut line (where there is a mowed area adjacent to the high grasses in the lateral hazard) to be the hazard boundary line from which to measure your two club-lengths of relief.

8. Ground Under Repair
If a player suspects that his ball may lie in ground under repair that is unmarked, he should play his ball as it lies. He is entitled to play a second ball under Rule 3-3, in which case he must report the situation to the tournament director prior to signing his scorecard.

Monday, May 12, 2014

2014 Tournament Policies

Tournament Policies  (2014 changes are highlighted in yellow)

1. Registration: Each tournament will have an open registration period. This year, the full tournament fee must be included with the tournament application. Applications must be postmarked no later than the final day of registration. If the deadline for registration has passed, and you wish to play, please call to find out if there are openings.

2. Volunteers: This will be an all-volunteer organization in 2014. Please make volunteers’ jobs easier by being on time with applications, requests, questions, etc. Volunteers do not need to pay membership dues unless they are competing in tournaments. Volunteers are needed and welcome to serve as starters, registrars, spotters, rangers, etc. Expenses incurred by volunteers will be reimbursed.

3. Communication:
     a. All information will be posted on this If you subscribe to the website (free subscription), all information will go straight to your e-mail.
     b. If you need to reach the tournament director, please contact Linda Miller:
     Home: 609-267-8630
     Cell: 609-784-2550

4. USGA Rules: All tournaments will be governed by USGA rules.

5. Local Rules: Local rules and course information for each tournament will be posted on the website prior to each tournament. A number of hard copies will be available at the registrar’s table, but it is hoped that individuals with access to a printer will make their own copy of the rules to help save printing costs for the organization.

6. Players Needing Partners: Players may submit single applications for team events. The tournament director will pair singles together, and will notify players as soon as a partner is found.

7. Withdrawal:
     a. Notification: Players who must withdraw from tournaments should notify the tournament director as soon as possible. In a team competition, if a single player withdraws and his partner finds or needs a substitute, that information needs to be communicated immediately to the tournament director.
     b. Refunds: The full tournament fee will be refunded until 10 days before a tournament (three days for medical or other unforeseen emergencies). Players who withdraw within 10 days (within three days for emergencies) will receive a refund of the tournament fee minus $10.

8. Tournament Cancellations: Call the golf course for possible weather-related cancellations on the day of a tournament. Call Linda’s cell phone if you withdraw or are running late on the day of a tournament:

9. Tournament Prizes:
     a. $10 of the tournament fee per competitor will be used for prize money.
     b. Prizes will be in the form of gift certificates to Dick’s Sporting Goods.
     c. A minimum of 30% of the field will receive a prize.
d. All tournaments will award gross and net prizes. The Stableford and Ryder Cup, which are net tournaments, will award at least one gross prize if the gross winners do not qualify for a net prize.
     e. Prize distribution will be approximately 30% gross and 70% net.

10. Tie-Breakers:  The recommended USGA tie-breaker will be used to break ties for first place (compare back nine total; if still tied, then last 6 on back, last 3 on back, front 9, last 6 on front, last 3 on front, and finally hole by hole beginning with the #1 handicap hole). The same method will be used if more than two teams are tied for the last prize. All other ties will remain as ties and receive equal prize money.

11. Tee Policy for the Men
Men will have a choice of tees (standard or senior) at all tournaments except the Championship. Yardage and rating information will be provided prior to each tournament, and recommendations will be offered regarding tee selection (based on the distance a player customarily hits his drive). Players will be informed prior to each tournament how many net strokes they will lose if they choose to play from the shorter tees.

Eligibility for gross prizes will be limited to those players who choose to play from the standard tees. All players will compete for net prizes.

12. Handicap Reductions: Players or teams that place first overall net will have their full Course Handicap reduced by two strokes in all subsequent tournaments. Second and third place overall net finishers will have a one-stroke reduction. Stroke adjustments are cumulative for two years on a rolling basis. Players do not lose strokes if they have not won prize money. The Handicap Adjustment Chart showing handicap reductions is posted under JUSTGOLF LINKS, and is updated after every tournament.

13. Maximum Course Handicap: 18 for men; 24 for women. This means that no man will receive more than 18 strokes in a tournament, and no woman will receive more than 24.

14. Eligibility for Club Championship: Players must compete in at least one JustGolftournament in 2014 to be eligible to compete for the Club Championship.

15. Pairings: Individual players or teams will not be paired with members of their same club or with JustGolf members whom they customarily choose as partners. The reason for this policy is twofold:        
     a. to provide opportunities for players to meet new people; and
     b. to provide for uniformly fair competition.

16. Tipping: $2 will be added to the cost of each tournament to cover tips. This will guarantee the bag boy $1 per bag at the start and finish of each tournament. If the money doesn’t get used for tips, the extra will be added to the prizes.

17. Distance-Measuring Devices: Players may use devices that measure distance only. Use of devices designed to measure other conditions that might affect play (e.g., gradient, wind speed, temperature, etc.) will result in disqualification under Rule 14-3, regardless of whether those additional functions are used.

18. Cell Phones: Cell phone usage is prohibited on the golf course, except for emergencies or rules questions. Please add Linda’s cell phone to your contact list: 609-784-2550.

19. Caddies: Players are not permitted to use caddies.

Handicap Adjustment Chart, 2017