Saturday, March 24, 2012

JustGolf pre-season update

Membership application
If you plan to compete in the first tournament of the season (Modified Scramble at Shore Gate on May 15), it would be a good idea to send in your JustGolf membership application now. The link to the application is located under my photo on the website ( under JUSTGOLF LINKS.

Shore Gate application
I will be posting the application for the May 15 Modified Scramble at Shore Gate the first week in April. This tournament is a scramble that will require that you use a minimum of 7 tee shots from each player.

Tee times for Shore Gate
Tee times for the men will start at 10 a.m. The women will tee off after the men. We’ll see how this works out this season.

Tournament applications
When you fill out your tournament applications, please fill in all the requested information. I’ll be using the Handicap Index on your application to help me in pairing players; rest assured that I update your handicap just prior to the tournament.

I have added a couple of lines at the bottom of the application for “special considerations.” You can tell me, for example, that you will be driving to the tournament with another competitor, and that you would like your tee times to be close together. I will do my best to honor such requests. Please remember that you may not ask to be paired with your friends.

Reminder for senior men (age 70+)
If you choose to play from the senior tees, your team will only be eligible for net prizes. The difference in yardage between the regular and senior tees at Shore Gate will be in the neighborhood of 300 yards.

Tournament prizes
A minimum of 30% of the field will receive a prize (an increase over last year’s minimum of 25%). The gross/net prize distribution will be approximately 30% gross and 70% net.