Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Vineyard Course Information

(Pairings will be posted on Thursday.)

Please print for use on the course.

Ratings and yardage:
Red tees (women): 68.8/117; 5176 yards
Green tees (seniors and 20+ CH): 67.6/116; 5748 yards
White tees (men): 68.9/120; 6077 yards (This is not the official rating and yardage. Six holes have been shortened to make the tournament more competitive for everyone.)

Hole location: chart on cart.
Yardage markers (to center of green): sprinkler heads; red, white, and blue disks (100, 150, 200)
Carts: drive onto fairways, remain on fairways, exit fairways at signs. Do not drive or park in rough.
Do not enter the vineyards or other environmentally protected areas.
Repair divots with divot mix on cart. Rake bunkers.
Best advice: Greens are quick – stay below the hole.
Ground under repair (GUR): Roped off areas. Play ball as it lies, or free drop (stance plus one club-length) at nearest point of relief no closer to the hole.

Distances are in order from White/Green/Red or Green/Red (when White tees on Green tee box)
#1: To bunker in fairway: 146/116. To carry bunker: 168/139.
#2: To bunker on right: 187/170/137. Distance to water: 264/247/213. High grass surrounding bunker) ends 30 yards from the green.
#3: Par 3. May use Drop Area for balls hit into the water hazard.
#4: Bunker on left squeezes fairway at 150-yard marker.
#6: To bunker on right: 230/180. Note pond on left starting 110 from green. Bunker on left 150 yards from green abuts pond.
#7: Dogleg left. To end of fairway at center bunker on the right: 175/167.
To carry all bunkers on left: 260/252.
#8: To carry bunker: 241/195/176.
#9: Slight dogleg left. To end of bunkers on right: 190/153/106. To bunker in middle of fairway: 294/255/208. This middle bunker is 40 yards short of the green.
#10: To end of last bunker on left: 210/187/117.
#11: To end of last bunker on right: 174/142.
#12: To end of last bunker on right: 196/147/113. To bunker on left: 200/152/115.
#13: Par 3. May use Drop Area.
#14: Dogleg right. To end of last bunker on left: 206/149.
#15: OB on left – stakes and fence. Public road is OB. To end of last bunker on right: 230/195/156; on left: 246/211/168.
#17: If you’re thinking of trying to drive the green, beware of the quarry fescue area on the right.
#18: Slight dogleg. To end of left bunker: 154/142.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Vineyard Stableford Tournament Rules

(Pairings will be posted on Thursday.)

Please read and print for reference on the course.

Both Balls Count: This is an aggregate tournament.

Handicap: Each player receives his full Course Handicap®, maximum 18 strokes for men and 24 for women.

Rules: All USGA rules and JustGolf Local Rules are in effect. Please carry a rulebook and a hard copy of our Local Rules (see link on website).

Summer rules: Play the ball as it lies everywhere.

Stableford scoring: Record each player’s gross score on each hole, and total the score for each nine. A Committee member will convert your score into a net score and then into Stableford points.
Net bogey=1 point
Net par=2 points
Net birdie=3 points
Net eagle=4 points
Net albatross=5 points

Pick up: Players will receive no points for any score higher than a net bogey (exception for several women who will get an extra stroke on the #1 handicap hole). Accordingly, players are expected to pick up if their gross total on a hole will be higher than a double bogey. Record an X with the Most Likely Score, e.g., X-7. Your Most Likely Score may not be higher than your ESC maximum.
Unless you are picking up, every ball must be holed.

Turn in scorecard: Players must personally return their scorecards and must remain at the scorer’s table until the card has been reviewed and accepted. The competitor should verify the score after each hole and settle any doubtful points with the tournament director prior to signing the scorecard.

Bare spots on green: Free relief if your ball is lying on a bare spot on the green. Place at the nearest relief no closer to the hole. No relief if a bare spot is on your line of putt.

Cell phones: Add my cell number to your list of contacts: 609-784-2550. Your cell phone should be turned off during the tournament. You may turn it on to call me with a question on the Rules of Golf or for an emergency. Vineyard pro shop: 609-965-2111x800.

Out of Bounds: Marked by white stakes and boundary fence posts.

Environmentally sensitive areas: Red stakes with white tops indicate environmentally sensitive areas where entry is not permitted. A ball coming to rest in these areas may not be searched for and must be abandoned. Relief options are the same as for a lateral water hazard.

Dirt cart paths: There is no free relief from dirt cart paths.

Drop areas: You may use the drop areas on holes #3 and #13.

Posting Scores: Do not post your scores. Scores will be posted by the tournament director.

Bathrooms: Portables are located near holes 3, 6, 14, 15, and at the turn (behind halfway house).

Rule 3-3: If you are doubtful of any correct rules procedure, and you can’t reach me on your cell phone, you may complete the hole playing two balls. 

Arrival: Allow enough time to register, putt, pay the $30 course fee, and arrive at the first tee ten minutes prior to your starting time. There is no driving range.

Coolers: The golf course does not permit coolers or outside food. There are water coolers on the course, a beverage cart, and a halfway house.

Tips: Please don’t forget to tip the men who load your clubs onto your cart and clean your clubs at the end of your round.

Virtual tour: The Vineyard website has a virtual tour:!__home/vstc8=virtual-tour/vstc13=1

Pace of Play tips: (expected pace is under 4 hours and 30 minutes)
1. Park your carts at the back of the green so that following players can hit as soon as you leave the green.
2. Record your score when you arrive at the next tee.
3. Hit a provisional if your ball may be lost or out of bounds.
4. Double bogey max. Pick up. Scores higher than double bogey earn no points.

Blue Heron mixed: If you have not mailed your application for the Mixed Modified Scramble at Blue Heron Pines prior to the Vineyard tournament, you may give it to the registrar at the Vineyard.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Navigating the JustGolf website

Some of you have written with questions about how to find applications, rules, etc., on the website. Links to every document are located on the right side. Here is a guided tour to help you understand how to navigate the website,

PREVIOUS POSTS (towards the bottom on the right)
• For information about 2012 tournaments, click on the arrowhead to the left of any month to open access to the links for pairings, applications, tournament rules, course information, etc. Click on the title of any document to open it.
• To see results, photos, rules and course information, etc., from last year’s tournaments, click on the arrowhead to the left of 2011, and then click on the arrowhead to the left of any month. Click on the title of any document to open it.
• You may also use the SEARCH box. Type in the name of the golf course and click on “Search.”

SUBSCRIBE TO JustGolf (top right)
If you subscribe to JustGolf, every time I post new information it will be sent to your e-mail within a day or two of posting.
Here’s how to subscribe:
On the right side, under SUBSCRIBE, enter your e-mail address and click on  Subscribe.  Follow the directions to type the text you see in the box, and click on “Complete Subscription Request.” You will receive an e-mail from FeedBurner, the service that enables you to subscribe and receive e-mails from JustGolf. Click on the link in that e-mail and you will be enrolled as a subscriber.

JustGolf LINKS (under my photo)
Underneath my photo are permanent links for the Tournament Schedule, Membership Information, Membership Application, Tournament Policies, and Local Rules. Please read the Membership Requirements and Tournament Policies before submitting the Membership Application.
The Local Rules are in effect at all tournaments – please print a copy and bring it to every tournament.

Click on Ask Linda: Golf Rules You Can Understand to read columns in which I have answered hundreds of questions since 2008 from golfers all over the world. Use the search box on the Ask Linda site to find information about specific rules (e.g., “water hazards”). You may e-mail a rules question to me any time. I will answer your question, and I may post the question and answer on the blog, keeping your name anonymous. All women’s names are changed to “Lulu,” and men to “Lou.”

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Blue Heron notice

The tournament at Blue Heron Pines is a MIXED tournament. One man and one woman play together as a team.

If you would like to play, and you do not have a partner, please submit an application with a $20 deposit. Leave the Partner line blank. We will make every effort to find a compatible partner for you. Your deposit will be refunded if we are unsuccessful.

Blue Heron Pines is a beautiful course, and the Mixed Modified Scramble is a competitive and fun tournament. Don’t hesitate to sign up simply because you do not have a partner.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Shore Gate pairings, May 29

(Scroll to bottom for explanation of how Team Handicaps were calculated.)
Team handicaps were calculated as follows:

1. Start with each player’s Handicap Index.
2. Calculate each player’s Course Handicap based on a slope rating of 126 (women), 129 (men), and 125 (senior and 20+ men).
3. Subtract points from the Handicap Adjustment Chart (men only).
4. Calculate 35% of the lower handicap and 15% of the higher handicap.
5. Subtract .75 (half the difference in the Course Rating between the men and senior tees) for each male player who moves forward.
6. Add the two players’ calculated tournament handicaps.
7. Round to a whole number (.5 rounds up; less than .5 rounds down).

There will be a chart at the tournament displaying these calculations for every team. If you would like to see this chart in advance, send me an e-mail request and I will attach the document in my reply.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Blue Heron application

Mixed Modified Scramble, Blue Heron Pines Golf Club, Wednesday, June 27

(You may sign up without a partner, and I will keep you posted on my efforts to find one for you.)

Player: _________________________      Partner: _____________________________
Home course: ___________________       Home course: _______________________
Handicap Index: ___ . __                            Handicap Index: ___ . __

Circle preferred time:              9-9:50                          10-11                           after 11

Men: If you are age 70 or older and you wish to play from the senior tees and compete for net prizes only, please write your name below:

Name: __________________________           Name: ___________________________

The total cost of the tournament, per player, is $55. You will pay $35 per player at the course and you will mail $20 per player to me in advance.  Please mail one check for $40, together with this application, payable to:

     Linda Miller
     48 Cherry Street
     Mount Holly, NJ 08060

Direct any questions to Linda:
     Home phone: 609-267-8630
     Cell phone: 609-784-2550

Tournament opens May 16
Last date to mail application: June 13

Additional tournament information
Course fee: $35 per player
Team Course Handicap: 35% low Course Handicap + 15% high CH
Must use 7 tee shots from each player
Range balls included
Cash beverage cart

Special considerations (traveling with someone, etc.)


