Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Shore Gate update

The Shore Gate Modified Scramble is two weeks away. If any of you are planning a practice round, the following tees will be used for the tournament:

Women: Red
Men: Gold
Senior Men (optional) and 20+ CH Men (required): Mixture of Gold and Red. Players will move up to the Red on the following holes: 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 17, and 18.

If you are not a subscriber to the JustGolf website, please check the website daily. Over the course of the next two weeks I will be posting the Local Rules and Handicap Adjustment Chart, and the Shore Gate Course Information, Tournament Rules, Handicap Report, and Pairings.

The Local Rules that I post will be in effect for all JustGolf tournaments. This is our “hard card.” I ask that you print out these Local Rules and carry them with you at all JustGolf tournaments for reference. I will store the Local Rules on the website under JUSTGOLF LINKS for easy access.

The Handicap Adjustment Chart will also become a permanent fixture under JUSTGOLF LINKS. This chart will show point deductions for first, second, and third place net finishes, and will be updated after every tournament. Points are removed from the player’s record on the two-year anniversary of the tournament in which they were earned.

I have asked Shore Gate to hold open two extra tee times. If your schedule has changed, and you find that you are now free to compete in the tournament, please call to find out if I can fit you in.

Just about everyone requested an early time. The earliest tee times have been promised to those with bona fide emergencies; subsequent tee times will be assigned to the earliest applicants. Shore Gate was unavailable at affordable rates prior to 10 AM.

I’m looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones on May 15.
