Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Vineyard Mixed Scramble Rescheduled

Are you ready for Round 3? I have rescheduled the Vineyard Mixed Modified Scramble for Thursday, October 24. Applications will arrive in your inbox in September. So mark your calendars and offer up some kind words to the sun god.

By the way, there was some confusion about the $10 prize money refund at the Vineyard, so stay with me here and I will explain the JustGolf tournament fees. Using a $50 tournament as an example, you pay a $20 registration fee in advance and $30 at the course. The $20 fee covers $10 for prizes and $10 paid to the course for a portion of the green fee. So while you are paying only $30 at the course, the actual course fee is $40. I pay the additional $10 in the pro shop after everyone has teed off.  The $10 refund at the Vineyard was the money you contributed for prizes – no tournament, no prizes, therefore a refund.

JustGolf is as purely non-profit as an organization can be. The $10 membership fee is used to cover expenses (ink, paper, copies, tournament deposits, etc.). There are no salaries – the starter, registrar, and tournament director are all volunteers. This is a labor of love for us, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Thanks to everyone for waiting patiently (or somewhat patiently) throughout the rain delay and ultimate cancellation.