Website navigation tip: If you are looking for information or a particular document and you do not see the link for it on the right side under “Previous Posts,” click on the arrowhead to the left of another month. This will open the links to all the documents posted during that month.
In the meantime, I am going to try to make things easier by re-posting all of the essential documents every month (Membership Criteria, Membership Application, Tournament Policies, Local Rules, and an application for the upcoming tournament). Look for these documents starting on Monday, April 4.
Posting schedule for April:
April 3 – Tournament Schedule
April 4 – Membership Criteria
April 4 – Membership Criteria
April 5 – Tournament Policies
April 6 – JustGolf Membership Application
April 7 – Local Rules in effect at all tournaments
April 11 – Explanation of Stableford format
April 14 – Tournament application for June 6 Stableford at Willow Brook