Friday, October 7, 2011

RiverWinds Local Rules & Conditions of Play; Course Information


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JustGolf Championship

RiverWinds Golf Club

October 11, 2011

Local Rules & Conditions of Play

THE RULES OF THE UNITED STATES GOLF ASSOCIATION GOVERN PLAY.  All references to the Rules of Golf and Appendix I are found in the 2010 - 2011 Rules of Golf.
FORMAT: 18-hole Individual Stroke Play.
SLOPE AND RATING: White: 70.3/128; Gold (senior): 65.4/120.
YARDAGE: White: 6,333; Gold: 5,509
YARDAGE MARKERS: Posts are measured to the center of the green: 150-yard post in fairway, 200- and 100-yard posts in rough.
HOLE LOCATION: Small red flag on flagstick: low=front, middle=middle; high=back. Flagsticks have devices on top that coordinate with laser rangefinders.
CELL PHONES: Prohibited except for emergencies.
CADDIES: No caddies are permitted.
OBSTRUCTIONS: All cart paths are immovable obstructions and relief may be taken in accordance with Rule 24-2b (stance plus 1 club-length at nearest point of relief, no closer to hole).
Stones in bunkers are movable obstructions and may be removed if they interfere with your swing.
OUT OF BOUNDS: Defined by white stakes and boundary fences. See Rule 27. No free relief from OB fences or stakes.
ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS: Restricted areas. Do not enter. Treat as lateral hazards – drop within 2 club-lengths of the hazard boundary no closer to the hole and count 1 penalty stroke.
GROUND UNDER REPAIR: If your ball is on your own fairway in an area you feel should have been marked as GUR, with the approval of your fellow competitors you may treat such an area as GUR (no penalty, drop within one club-length at nearest point of relief no closer to hole). If your ball is in an aeration hole on the green, move it out, no closer to hole.
PREFERRED LIES:  A ball lying on a closely mown area through the green may be lifted and cleaned without penalty. Before lifting the ball, the player must mark its position. Having lifted the ball, he must place it on a spot within one foot of and not nearer the hole than where it originally lay, that is not in a hazard and not on a putting green. (Closely mown areas are all fairways and the collars around the greens.)
LOST BALL: You are only permitted to search for a lost ball for 5 minutes. Once 5 minutes have passed, you must add a 1-stroke penalty to your score and hit a ball from the spot where you hit your previous shot. If your ball is found after the 5-minute time allowed for search has expired, you may not play that ball – it is a lost ball.
WATER IN BUNKER: There is no relief for a ball lying on wet sand. If the ball is lying in water in a hazard, you may drop the ball in the hazard at the nearest point of relief that is no closer to the hole ­– no penalty. If there is no place to drop the ball that would not be closer to the hole, and you have to take the ball out of the hazard, you must drop it behind the hazard on the line-of-sight to the hole and add one penalty stroke to your score.
SCORECARDS: Are to be returned to the scoring area under the tent adjacent to the cart return area immediately following conclusion of the round.  To avoid possible penalty, players should remain in the designated scoring area until the official in charge has accepted their card.
PLAY-OFF: There will be a sudden death play-off at the conclusion of play for ties for first place gross in the men’s division and the senior division. Remain at the scorer’s table until it is established whether you will be competing in a play-off.

Initial the registrar’s sheet to confirm that you have read and understood the rules.

Course fee: $30 - pay at pro shop 
Register: at the first tee.
Practice area: Still no putting green. Mats with netting behind tent near carts.
Beverage cart: Hot dogs, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chips, sodas, trail mix, candy, beer.
Tips: Please tip the cart men who load your clubs and clean them at the end of your round.
Proceed to first tee: Begin driving from the cart area 20 minutes prior to scheduled tee time.
Course care:  Please repair ball marks and rake traps. Replace divots if large; otherwise use divot mix on cart.
Rakes: Place OUTSIDE bunkers. Please rake bunkers carefully.
Carts: Enter the fairway and keep cart on fairway. Please DO NOT RIDE OR PARK in rough or on mounds. Cart path only on all Par 3’s and on hole #18.
Distance measuring devices that measure distance only are permitted. The penalty for taking devices onto the course that measure other conditions (wind, gradient, etc.), regardless of whether those functions are used, is disqualification (Rule 14-3).
Pace of play: 15 minutes per hole.
Do not post your scores. They will be posted by the tournament director.
The competitor should verify the score after each hole and settle any doubtful points with the tournament director prior to signing the scorecard.

Hit a provisional for any ball hit into the fescue or high grass.
#1: Drop area for tee shots that do not carry the hazard is located at the green sign over hazard on the right. The carry across the hazard is approximately 150 yards.
#3: Note OB fence on right side.
#4: Dogleg right. Hit a provisional for a tee shot into the woods.
#5: No drop area. Tee shots from the White tees must be replayed (1 stroke penalty) if they do not carry the hazard. Lateral hazard on left 170 yards from White tee.
Optimum tee shot from Gold tees is 170 yards. There is a rough/sand area at the 150-yard marker that everyone should avoid.
#6: Slight dogleg left.
#9: Environmental hazard begins 135 yards before the green. Entry is prohibited. Drop behind hazard and add one penalty stroke.
#10: Distance from the 100 yard marker to the end of the fairway is 57 yards.
#11: There is a hazard that crosses the fairway 231 yards from the White tees, 193 yards from the Gold tees. Distance from 150 yard marker to end of fairway is 25 yards.
#14: Lateral hazard on right is the Delaware River.
#16: Hidden fairway bunker 255 yards from the White tees, 180 yards from the Gold tees. View of Philadelphia skyline from Gold tees. Keep an eye out for the wild turkeys.
#17: You may use the drop area near the green or re-tee if your ball is in the hazard. One stroke penalty.
#18: OB on the right – note white stakes.