Monday, July 28, 2014

Seaview Rules and Course Information

Please print and bring to the tournament.

Applications for the Mixed Modified Scramble on August 25 at Golden Pheasant will be available at the registrar’s and scorer’s tables.

Tournament Information
• Sign in at the registrar’s table outside the pro shop as soon as you arrive.
• Range: The range is a long trek from the clubhouse. If you plan to hit balls, arrive extra early or fuhgeddaboudit.
• Food: The cart girl will have hot dogs, sandwiches, chips, and drinks. The snack bar adjacent to the pro shop will carry the same. You do not return to the clubhouse at any time, so stock up before you head for the first tee.
• Arrive at the first tee ten minutes before your tee time.
• Cart rules: 90ยบ, unless starter tells you otherwise.
• Bathrooms (in green shack) are located near the tee at #2, 6, 9, 11, and 13; and near the greens of #5, 13, and 17.
• Pace of play: Please maintain a good pace of play. Keep pace with the group ahead of you. Pick up if you are out of the hole and record an X plus your most likely score (e.g., X-6).
• Play the ball down everywhere!

Record gross score for each player. If you pick up, record X plus your most likely score (Linda must have a number so that she can post your score).
Record team better-ball gross and net (optional).
Total each player’s individual score, team better-ball gross, and team better-ball net (optional).
One member of each team must personally return the scorecard to the tournament director and remain in the scoring area until the card is reviewed.

Local Rules
Out of bounds: Defined by white stakes.
All boundary fences are OB: No free relief from OB fence (one-stroke penalty to drop within two club-lengths or return to previous spot and hit again).
Stones in bunkers: Loose impediments; you may remove any near your ball.
Course care: Please repair ball marks, fix divots, and rake bunkers.
Water hazard: There is only one water hazard, which is on Hole #9. If it is not staked, play it as a yellow-staked hazard if your ball enters from behind, and as a red-staked hazard (lateral) if your ball enters from the left side.

Course Information
GPS: Each cart is equipped with GPS, giving you yardage to the hole as well as to all obstacles.
Tees: White tees for all men; Gold tees for women
Yardage markers: 150-yard post, which is always a good target. Stakes on the side for 100 (red) and 200 (blue).
Hole location: Chart on cart. Ask the starter for the day’s number.

Since the cart has GPS, I will just offer you some tips on a few holes.
Hole 3: Plays longer than it looks. Green slopes back to front–stay below pin.
Holes 4: Dogleg right. Must carry bunker for chance at par.
Hole 5: Dogleg right. Deep, narrow green.
Hole 6: Green has tiers – hit to proper pin location.
Hole 8: Dogleg left that does not require a driver. Three distinct sections on green.
Hole 9: Tee shot not as important as second shot, which must clear water hazard.
Hole 10: There is fairway left of the three bunkers just past the 150 post.
Hole 11: Slight dogleg right. Avoid cavernous left hand greenside bunker.
Hole 13: Dogleg left.
Hole 14: Use the water tower as the target for your tee shot.
Hole 15: Two tiers on green.
Hole 16: Green is large and usually quite fast.
Hole 17: Sharp dogleg left.
Hole 18: Back to front sloping green.