Saturday, September 26, 2015

Looking for New Members

Some of you may have noticed a decrease in participation in the JustGolf tournaments this year. Whereas in past years each tournament had between 40 and 60 competitors, this year’s attendance ranged from 20 to 42, averaging 33 per tournament.

While some turnover every year should be expected, in the past we seem to have replaced lost members with new ones. This year, losses far outweighed gains.

It is going to prove difficult to book good courses if I can’t guarantee at least 40 players. So I’m writing to ask your help recruiting new members.

I have ordered business cards for JustGolf. I will distribute them to those of you who are playing at Linwood, and will mail them to anyone else who requests them. I would like you to store the cards in your golf bag, and give them to anyone you play golf with that you feel would enjoy competing in our tournaments. If you are not playing at Linwood, please send me an e-mail to request business cards.

I do not want to disband JustGolf, but we will need more members if we are to remain a viable organization. I appreciate any efforts you make to recruit new members.

Thank you,
