Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Seaview Rules and Course Information

Scoring for Stableford
• Aggregate scoring: Both players’ Stableford points will count.
• Men: Double bogey max. If you score higher than double bogey, you will not earn any Stableford points. Please pick up if your score will be higher than a double bogey. Record an X plus your most likely score.
• Women: Double bogey max on holes where you have one dot, triple bogey max for two dots. Please pick up if your score will be higher than triple bogey. Record an X plus your most likely score.
• Record gross score only for each player.
• Leave the rest of the scorecard blank. Use a separate card for your own scores.
• Add each player’s front nine, back nine, and total (optional, but very helpful).
• All four players in each group must submit the two scorecards to the tournament director together and remain in the scoring area until the card is reviewed.

Tournament Information
• Sign in at the registrar’s table outside the pro shop as soon as you arrive.
• Range: The range is a long trek from the clubhouse. If you plan to hit balls, arrive extra early or fuhgeddaboudit.
• Food: The cart girl will have hot dogs, sandwiches, chips, and drinks. The snack bar adjacent to the pro shop will carry the same. You do not return to the clubhouse at any time, so stock up before you head for the first tee.
• Arrive at the first tee ten minutes before your tee time.
• Cart rules: 90º, unless starter tells you otherwise.
• Bathrooms are accessible from Holes #5, 9, and 13.
• Pace of play: Please maintain a good pace of play. Keep pace with the group ahead of you.
• Play the ball down everywhere!

Local Rules
Out of bounds: Defined by white stakes.
All boundary fences are OB: No free relief from OB fence (one-stroke penalty: drop within two club-lengths or return to previous spot and hit again).
Stones in bunkers: Loose impediments; you may remove any near your ball.
Course care: Please repair ball marks, fix divots, and rake bunkers.
Lateral water hazards: Defined by red stakes (Hole #8, right side).
Native grass rule: If a ball comes to rest in the native grass (the dense stuff that is as tall or taller than you are, not the fescue), treat it as a lateral hazard (one-stroke penalty; drop within two club-lengths, no closer to the hole).

Course Information
Tees: Blue tees for men; White tees for seniors; Gold tees for women
Yardage markers: 150-yard post, which is always a good target. The posts are movable obstructions – lift them out if they interfere with your shot. Don’t forget to replace them.
Hole location: Chart on cart. Ask the starter for the day’s number.

Advice for playing Seaview:
• Accuracy is far more important than distance. The holes are not exceptionally long, but the rough is particularly punishing.
• Play a provisional if you hit into the fescue. If you find your ball in a poor lie in the fescue, give serious consideration to declaring it unplayable (one-stroke penalty, drop within two club-lengths or hit another ball under stroke and distance).
• Approach shots: Bump-and-run is a good idea from the fairway. If you are in the rough, carry the ball onto the green – short shots are unlikely to run onto the green.

Hole information
#5: There is a carry bunker in front of the green.

#6: At the end of the fairway there is a section of short rough.

#7: No drop area. Men only: if your tee shot does not clear the water, you must re-tee. Your second shot from the tee will count as your third shot on the hole.

#8: Lateral hazard on right. Tall, native grass is in the hazard.

#10: Dogleg left. The green is behind the bunkers on the left.

#12: Dogleg right. Aim tee shot left of center.

#16: A long, narrow bunker runs along the side of the fescue on the right. This bunker is not visible from the men’s tee.