Thursday, July 12, 2012

Golden Pheasant Rules and Course Information

Please print and bring to the tournament.

This is a team net tournament. Men will play the Gold tees (66.8/117). Women will play the Green tees (68.8/114).  Return scorecard with two signatures in person to official scorer.

• Scramble, holes #1–6. Both players tee off. Select the shot you want to play, and both players hit from that spot. Continue in this manner until the ball is holed. Once the ball is holed your score is official, so be sure to mark your ball on the green if your partner has not yet putted.
After you decide which shot you will play, mark the spot with a tee or ball marker. Each player must place the ball within 12” of that tee no closer to the hole and play his next shot. YOU MAY NOT USE THE 12” TO IMPROVE YOUR LIE (stay in the rough, in a bunker, behind a tree, OB, on the apron of the green, etc.).

• Better ball, holes #7–12. Each competitor plays his own ball. Record both scores unless you pick up because you are out of a hole (strongly recommended). Preferred lies in the fairway and on the apron only: mark, lift, clean, replace within 12”, no closer to hole. You may not use the 12” to move from the apron onto the green.

• Selected drive–alternate shot, holes #13–18. Both partners tee off. Select which drive you will play, and alternate that ball to the hole. If you select A’s drive, then B will hit the next shot, A will hit the third shot, etc. Note: You MAY NOT switch balls to play your own preferred brand, including for putting. Preferred lies in the fairway and on the apron only: mark, lift, clean, replace within 12”, no closer to hole. You may not use the 12” to move from the apron onto the green.

Disqualification: If you play the wrong format on any hole the team will be disqualified. The format for each six holes is noted on your score card. Signs on the first, seventh, and thirteenth holes will remind you of the format.

Time of starting: If your partner is late, you must start without him at your assigned tee time. Since the first six holes are a scramble, and the next six holes are a better ball, your partner may join you as late as the start of hole #13. If you have begun play of a hole, your partner will begin play at the start of the next hole.

Local Rules  and General Information
1. Carts: Carts may be driven everywhere except on par 3’s. Keep carts 30 feet from greens.
2. Silence your cell phones.
3. Use of distance measuring devices that measure distance only is permitted.
4. Pace of play: 15 minutes per hole average, 4 ½ hours total. Keep pace with the group in front of you. During the better ball section, please pick up when you are out of the hole.
5. Park your cart behind the green.
6. Barber poles, when present, are a recommended aiming point for your tee shot.
7. Free lift  (required) away from young trees. You will recognize young trees by their size and the fact that they are mulched. Stance plus one club-length, no closer to the hole.
8. Yardage markers: Disks in fairway measured to center of green: 100, 150, and 200 yards.  No hole location information.

Players are reminded to settle all rules questions with Linda prior to signing the scorecard. If she is not at the scorer’s table, and she does not answer her cell phone, you may settle the issue by phone after 6 p.m.


#1: Green slopes severely back to front. Chain link fence to left and behind green defines OB. No free relief from fence.
#2: OB entire left side.
#3: OB entire left side. Depression with ten yards of rough just past 150 marker – please do not drive carts through this area, which tends to get soggy. Drain pipe 150 yards from green adjacent to cart path is an obstruction on the right side and a lateral hazard on the left side.
#4: OB on left side until hill. Over the hill the entire left side and behind the green is a lateral hazard. While waiting for your second shot, beware of drives from hole #5.
#5: Drives to right – yell “fore.” On second shot, beware of drives from hole #4.
#6: Lateral hazard behind green.
#7: 90ยบ dogleg left. Yardage from Gold tee to dogleg: 140 yards.
      Lateral hazard left side from tee to green. Lateral hazard on right just short of green.
#8: Water hazard (yellow) in front of tee. Lateral hazard (red) left of hole and behind green.
#9: Dogleg right, then left. Distance from Gold tee straight to large pine trees is 220 yards.
      Free drop no closer to hole if your ball lies on the practice chipping green to the far right. Lateral hazard next to hole #7 putting green. Balls lost or found in parking lot or cart staging area are OB. Turf maintenance building is OB.
#10: OB entire left side, including #12 tee retaining wall. Green slopes severely back to front.
#11: OB entire right side. Lateral hazards (two) on left and behind green. Water hazard (yellow stakes) parallel to driveway. Drop area across road may be used as an additional relief option for the lateral hazards but not for the water hazard.
#12: OB entire right side. OB behind green.
#13: OB entire right side and behind green. Fairway is to the right of the trees. Do not trespass on private property to search for or retrieve a ball. Greenside bunker on right is not visible from a distance.
#14: Lateral hazard on right from 150 to green.
#15: Distance from Green tees: 64 yards (card is incorrect).
#16: Woods along left side is a lateral hazard. Relief from the right side lateral hazard may be taken two club-lengths from the left side of the cart path. Men’s distance is 340 yards (card is incorrect).
#17: Woods on right side is a lateral hazard. OB behind the green. OB on left past 100 yard marker.
#18: Dogleg right. Yardage to dogleg: 175 from front of tee. Lateral hazard entire left side, including left side of green. Parking lot behind green is OB. Turf maintenance building right of green is marked OB–ignore OB stakes. Instead, if your ball is unplayable, add a penalty stroke and take your customary relief for an unplayable ball (Rule 28). As an additional option, you may drop your ball within 10 feet of the pole at the end of the cart path behind the green. If the greenside hazard on the right is marked as GUR, you must drop behind the hazard on a line directly to the hole. This is a free, required drop.

Illustration of drop: (Illustration will be provided at the tournament.)