The CH Adjustment
is based on points accumulated in prior tournaments for first, second, or third
place net finishes (see the Handicap Adjustment Chart on the JustGolf website).
Subract these points from the Course Handicap to get the Tournament CH.
A Ryder Cup consists of three different formats: scramble,
selected drive/alternate shot, and better ball. In order to make the tournament
fair, each format must be handicapped differently. And since each format is one-third of the tournament,
each format's handicap total will be divided by 3.
drive/alternate shot: The player with the lower CH receives 60% of his CH,
and the player with the higher CH receives 40% of his CH. These two numbers are
added and the total is divided by 3. Scramble: The player with the lower handicap receives 35% of his CH, and the player with the higher CH receives 15% of his CH. These two numbers are added and then divided by 3 (6 holes of scramble represent one-third of the tournament).
Better ball: Each player receives 90% of his CH. That number is divided by 3, and the cards are dotted accordingly.